A have written a very brief overview of the techniques Equallogic use for load balancing in a storage pool. These can be split into 3 different components: 1) NLB – Network Load Balancer Depending on network load, Equallogic can redistribute ISCSI connections across Ethernet ports. This is accompolished automatically by using an inbuilt feature of iSCSI called redirection. The Read More…
Month: October 2013
Remove vCloud Director and Components
To completely uninstall vCloud Director 1.5 and its components then use the following steps as a guidline: 1) Log into your VCD administrators portal and remove everything possible. That includes VMs, VAPPs, VSEs, networks, organizations etc 2) Disable then Unprepare Hosts (this requires maintenance mode) Just for reference. If you ever want to manually put your hosts Read More…
Trimming MySQL bin logs
During MySQL replication, changes on the Master are written to binary logs for the Slave(s) to update. By default these binary logs will continue to grow indefinitely unless you apply a specific setting. In this scenario I have chosen to keep 4 days worth of bin logs. The amount of bin logs is dependant on how much lag you Read More…
Exporting SSL certificates for IIS
IIS requires a .pfx format to import. I will show you two commands Command to export a SSL certificate from Tomcat to IIS keytool -importkeystore -srckeystore certificates.ks -srcstoretype JCEKS -destkeystore jordansphere.pfx -deststoretype PKCS12 Note: You'll need the original keystore password for the export. Command to export a SSL certificate from Apache to IIS openssl pkcs12 -export Read More…
The file type is not recognizable. Select another file – Import pfx file into IIS
I wanted to move a wildcard SSL certificate from Apache to IIS 7.5. From the server running Apache server I exported it using: openssl pkcs12 -export -out jordansphere.pfx -inkey jordansphere_cert.key -in jordansphere_cert.pem I then FTP'd this to my IIS server and tried to import. However, this message appeared: "The file type is not recognizable. Select Read More…
ICMP Packet Dropped Due to Policy – Over Sonicwall VPN
Site A required the following site-to-site VPN created. The above was all created with ease and the VPN connection came up. Site A then requested that the ONLY service allowed over the VPN was "Ping". The following 2 firewall rules were applied: VPN -> VLAN ZONE And the reverse for VLAN ZONE-> VPN However, this didn't work Read More…
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