Problem: Our current setup involved several vCenter 5.5 Servers poining to a single SSO server. A requirement arose which required each vCenter to point to its own SSO server. Current SSO Server: ( New SSO Server: ( vCenter Server: ( vCenter Server: Read More…
Month: October 2017
Lockdown NSX Edge SSL VPN to Specific IP Address
Issue: I wanted to lock down my NSX Edge Gateway SSL VPN portal to a specific IP range. As you are not allowed to put a custom rule above a system defined rule on the edge itself I needed a work around. Resolution: In vCenter web client go to HOME -> Network & Security Read More…
Retrospectively Check which VMs Migrated during HA Failover
Issue: An ESXi server crashed invoking HA. I wanted to check which VMs had restarted and on what host so I could check they were functioning correctly. Resolution: Thanks to my colleague for the following PowerCLI script: PowerCLI C:\> Connect-VIServer -Server {your_vcenter} -User {your_username} -Password {your_password} PowerCLI C:\> $Date = Get-Date PowerCLI C:\> $HAVMrestartold Read More…
Check Uptime on Windows Server
To find the uptime on a windows server Open a command prompt Start -> run -> Cmd Then type: net statistics server Find Statistics since line: This tells you when the server was last rebooted.
Upgrade Firepower Management Center (FMC)
In this example we will be upgrading Firepower Management Center virtual appliance (formerly known as Firesight) from version to 6.1.0-33. This process needs to take place before the Firepower sensors are upgraded. Pre-Reqs Ensure you have backups of the FMC. As its virtual I’d also recommend taking a snapshot as well. Check Read More…
Backup Cisco Firepower Management Center (FMC)
In this example I will back up the Firepower Management Center. All policies and rules are configured and sent via the FMC so backing up the configuration will mean that sensors can be restored via the FMC – if one ever crashes. Alternatively the sensors will continue to work if there is a problem Read More…
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