Move MySQL Directory in WHM \ cPanel

We originally installed an image from the cPanel website. The /root parition holds the system information and the /data  houses the users  web and mail data. Unfortunatley the /root partition is NOT installed as an LVM which makes it difficult to expand. What I did notice is that the users MySQL data is actually stored in the /root Read More…

Custom php.ini File in cPanel

In this example I will be creating a custom php.ini file in my WordPress website which runs on a cPanel server using SuPHP. I will also be turning off PHP display errors as a test.   1) Create your php.ini file in your public_html folder and add the following: # vi /home/jordansphere/public_html/php.ini display_errors = Off Read More…

Add NRPE Exim Mailqueue Check to cPanel Server

  This blog assumes that NRPE and nagios plugins are already installed on the remote server. Remote OS: Centos 6.7Nagios Server OS: Centos 5.7WHM: 11.50.0NRPE: 2.14   Remote server Download the check_eximailqueue plugin (version 1.3 as of writing) from . Upload the plugin to the the Nagios plugin directory (/usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/) on the remote server [RemoteServer]# vi /usr/lib64/nagios/plugins/check_eximailqueue Uncomment the following Read More…

cPanel PHP Extension Error after UPCP Update

Centos: 6.7 WHM: 11.50.0 Apache: 2.2.39 PHP: 5.4.42 I awoke today to find all websites hosted on one particular cPanel server showing the following message at the bottom of every web page.   Warning: PHP Startup: Unable to load dynamic library '/usr/local/lib/php/extensions/no-debug-non-zts-xxxxxxx/' – cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory in Unknown on Read More…

Hostname Configuration Error – cPanel DNS Only

One of our cPanel DNS Only servers was throwing up the below error: Hostname Configuration Error: Your WHM server is configured with IP address and has a misconfigured hostname. This misconfiguration can cause some services on your server to not restart properly. The cause of your misconfiguration is:   WHM has detected a manual Read More…

Change DocumentRoot of main site in CPanel

To change the document root of a main site in CPanel you'll need root SSH access. Note that you will be able to change an "Add on domains" via the GUI.   # vi /var/cpanel/userdata/{myusername}/{} Once in Vi change the documentroot: /home/{username}/public_html  to whatever you want (eg /home/{username}/public_html/ ) Afterwards you'll need to run this command: Read More…