Problem Running NSX. 6.4.3. An error was keep appearing on one of our 6.7 ESXi hosts: NSX Alert: Possible DHCP DOS attack on host Resolution I believe this is a false positive from a bug in 6.4.x To check if there are any issues log into the affected ESXi host and run the following Read More…
Category: ESXi
Adding vNICs in UCS Causes vmnic Reorder in ESXi 6.5
Problem I added two new vNics to UCS. When I rebooted I realised there was something wrong. One of my iSCSI paths was down and one of the new vmnics wasnt working at all. Troubleshooting After much investigation it appeared that the NICS in the ESXI had been re-ordered. Looking at the UCS I Read More…
Unable to SSH or HTTPS to ESXi 6.5 Host
Problem I was unable to connect to an ESXi host via SSH and HTTPS. However, DCUI still worked (and the host was still connected in vCenter) so we knew the password was correct Troubleshooting Logging in via the DCUI and connect to the ESXi Shell (ALT+F1) Check the user is not locked out: pam_tally2 –user Read More…
Determining Build Number and Version for ESXi via vSphere Web Client
To determine the version and update your ESXi hosts are running, use the following method. It is assumed that vCenter is running in your environment. First of all we need to get build number: Log in to the vCenter using the web client Click Hosts and Clusters -> {your vCenter} -> {your Datacenter} -> Read More…
Check the IP Address of iDRAC via ESXi Host
Problem: Due to a disk failure I was trying to ascertain whether a partciular remote ESXi host had an iDRAC port and what the IP address was Resolution: To find this: Click the host in question via vSphere Client -> Select Hardware Status -> The expand the Baseboard Management Controller Sensor
VCNS 5.5 – Upgrade Failed. Root Fileystem Full
When trying to upgrade VCNS 5.5.3 to 5.5.4 I was presented with this error: Message: Could not untar /common/em/downloads/image/image-vsm-vsm-5.5.4-2504419.img.dist This suggested to me there was a partition full somwhere on the vShield Manager VM To check this: Open the console of the VSM VM. Default username/passwords are: Username: admin Passowrd: default Enable: default #' show Read More…
Failed to Initialize SSL Session to Remote Host
I had a miniature test lab consisting of 1 host and 1 vCenter 6.0 appliance. When I installed the VCSA on the host I was suddenly unable to connect to the console of the VMs I had previously created. When I connected via the ESXi host I was presented with the following message: Unable to Read More…
Unable to Guest Customize Debian in vCloud Director 5.5
I deployed a Debian VM from the public catalogue. I then requested vCloud Director to give it an IP address from the Static IP Pool. This showed as being successful in the VCD portal but I could not ping the VM when it was powered on. I logged in via the console and the Read More…
Increase pRDM size on ESXi 5.5 and QNAP
I have a physical RDM that I use for Veeam backups . This pRDM is located on a QNAP (firmware version 3.8.1) and connects as the B:/ drive on a windows 2008 R2 via iSCSI Please note the steps for expanding a vRDM are different. Please consult the VMware guides. First we need to expand the SAN storage. In Read More…
Single LUN Inactive on One Host
Scenario: I have 7 hosts connecting to an Equallogic Group (2 x 6000s). There are 3 LUNs visible to each host and locked down to specific ISCI IP range. ( eg All 6 hosts could see all 3 luns but one 1 host could only see 2 of the 3 LUNs available. The protocol is Read More…
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