Scenario: I backed up the vCenter SSO database and copied & restored it from an SQL2005 to an SQL2008 server. This worked fine but when I tried to add the user mapping I got the following: Create failed for User 'RSA_user'. (Microsoft.SqlServer.smo) This occurred because the user I was trying to add already existed in Read More…
Category: MS SQL
What version of SQL Native Client do I have ?
In preparation for moving a 2005 SQL Database from the local vCenter server to dedicated SQL 2008 server I needed to ensure I had the SQL Native Client 10.0 driver installed. First of all I checked the current drivers on the vCenter server: I knew this wasnt the correct version as I had SQL native 10.0 driver installed on Read More…
Convert a MS SQL 2008 Database to SQL 2005
Scenario: We developed a database in MS SQL 2008 but wanted to house it on MS SQL 2005 server. To convert it to SQL2005 use the following steps: 1) On the SQL Server 2008: Find the DB you want to convert Right click the DB (GreenDB in our case) -> Tasks -> Generate Scripts. This Read More…
Shrinking Transaction Logs in MSSQL 2005
Scenario: We host a lot of small databases on an Microsoft SQL 2005 server. Occasionally the transaction (.ldf) files will become extremely large so we will need to shrink them. As we only take nightly backups we are happy to make the recovery model “simple”. If you require a more mission critical backup solution then Read More…
Login Incorrect when connecting from FreeBSD to SQL Server 2008 via FreeTDS
Scenario: I wanted to connect to an SQL server 2008 from a FreeBSD 8.2 machine using PHP5.3 and FreeTDS. We have a similar set up on another server running FreeBSD 7.2 with PHP 5.2 . This is still running in production and connecting to the same DB server successfully. The logical thing to do was Read More…
Cannot telnet locally to MSSQL Port 1433 (2005 Standard Edition)
OS: Windows 2008 R2, SQL 2005 Standard Edition, vCenter 5.0 Scenario: I was upgrading from vCenter 5.0 to vCenter 5.1a. The SSO installation failed as it could not connect to the local SQL database. Caveat: I had upgraded from SQL2005 Express to standard on the same server as our vCenter inventory had grown too big Read More…
What SQL Native Client Version is currently installed?
Scenario: I want to move vCenter DB from the bundled SQL 2005 express to a standalone SQL 2008. The SQL Native Client required for the upgrade is 10.0 To check what version you have running (on SQL 2005): Run regedit -> Computer->HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/Microsoft/Microsoft SQL Native Client/Current Version. As you see from the screenshot I Read More…
MS Access displaying NULL values in currency column after upsizing to SQL 2008
Software: MS Access 2003 / MS SQL 2008 After upsizing a database, a currency column in a particular table was completely empty via the Access application. However, when viewing the table in SQL 2008, the values are present in “money” format. Suggested workarounds didn’t really fit for us (eg changing the workstations to English US Read More…
You must use the dbSeeChanges option with OpenRecordset when accessing a SQL server table that has an IDENTITY column
We just upgraded an internal MS Access 2003 DB to use MS SQL 2008 (in linked server table format) and immediately got the error listed in the title (and pictured below) The debug option gave the following line as the problem: Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql) I tried Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(sql, dbSeeChanges) but just Read More…
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