Network: A small private cloud which containted two ESxi 5.0 hosts and a Dell Powervault SAN connected via stacked Cisco 3750s. A pRDM is attached to one VM which was directly connected through to a QNAP TS-859U-RP+ on the storage network.. Each Esxi host contains 3 VMs. Scenario: All 3 VMs on ESXi1 became unavailble. Ping was still accessible but Read More…
Day: April 2, 2014
PHP White Screen
Scenario: A new webserver setup. HTML pages load fine but PHP shows blank white screen. Apache 2.x / Centos 6.x / PHP 5.3.3 First of all make sure PHP is installed. Then ensure the following lines are in the Apache configuration LoadModule php5_module modules/ AddHandler php5-script .php If the same symptoms still persist then Read More…